An overview of the employment sector, post-pandemic

Jul 15, 2021

2020 has proven that we are living in very extraordinary and stressful times. People have transformed their safe and comfortable spaces at home into temporary office setups, while the traditional commute to work, working 09:00 am- 17:00 pm has phased out. There has also been a divide between; 

  1. People working from home
  2. People on furlough
  3. In extreme circumstances, people who have faced redundancy 

Individuals went from enjoying the novelty of furlough to unfortunately, losing their jobs and realising they might have to transition into a new sector. So, where does this leave individuals now? 

We’ve spoken with organisations, businesses, and partners in the local community to find out what they think about the current employment within Crawley and the surrounding areas. 

Several training providers have given us insight that the ‘expected’ is not happening. Aspire Sussex said:

Course up-take is at an all-time low and courses that were popular before aren’t being accessed or utilised.” Many training providers have created courses to help individuals gain new employment skill sets they need to meet the expected demand. Like many, Aspire Sussex was expecting individuals to pivot or re-enter the workplace, but they are struggling to fill the numbers on the courses they have available and most are struggling to run even distance learning courses.

Furthermore, job coaches are receiving large groups for support in developing CV’s and securing work, however, they are finding that 18-25-year-olds and 50+ are struggling with securing employment or manoeuvring support.

“Young people are finding they are competing with those with years of experience applying for lower entry roles; and that 50+ are struggling to understand the “new approach” to employment or changing careers.” - Make a Difference. 

On the flip side of the coin, in a recent report from City & Guilds Group, they highlight that currently: 

  1. “54% of employers are unable to get people with the skills they need” 
  2. “Jobs without people, but people without jobs” - people don’t have the right skills for jobs or desire to retrain for the available jobs”

Skills Index Report 2021.

We find ourselves in a catch-22 situation. We highly expect there will be a shift in employment and in individuals' attitudes when furlough will be phased out in September, but until then, this is where the ‘Back on Track’ initiative can help connect individuals to employers. Find out more about us here:

Thank you to our partners, Make a Difference and Aspire Sussex for your input and insight. 

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